Child and Adolescent Services
What to Expect
For younger children
Dr. McDougall will schedule an initial intake appointment (60 minutes) to gather information from parents. This will be an appointment with parents only so as to efficiently gather relevant information, create goals, and begin to develop a treatment plan. Sessions will likely include parent(s)/ caregivers and the child meeting together with Dr. McDougall, but may depend on the age of the child, presenting concern, and treatment goals.
For older children and teens
After an initial intake appointment (60 minutes) with parents only, Dr. McDougall will then meet one-on-one with the adolescent to gather information from their perspective and contribute to goals. In subsequent appointments, sessions will likely include a brief check-in with parents at the beginning of the appointment, with the remainder of the session spent with the child/teen alone. The structure of appointments, including who is involved and how, can be flexible but will be informed by the age of the adolescent, the presenting concern, and family dynamics.
Parent Training and Support
Parenting is the most difficult job in the world, and parents play a crucial role in helping their children overcome challenges and thrive.
Parent training is an integral component of any evidence-based psychological treatment of pediatric mental health concerns. Dr. McDougall offers judgment-free guidance for parents who may benefit from additional support with managing children’s behavior and/or their child’s mental health concerns. Dr. McDougall has expertise in helping parents and caregivers navigate these challenges and more. She takes a collaborative approach to parent-training and coaching, as she recognizes that caregivers know their children best, but can also benefit from expert support and guidance.